The Story of Ms. ”Me” Who Managed HSV After Taking Hekma Center’s Natural Products

** Please note : We do not reveal the full name of the customer, we just keep the first two letters of the name for comparison purpose, and we hide all other details. Photos are for clarification purposes only and are not the real photos of the customers.


Our story today is about Ms. “Me”, an American lady living in Saudi Arabia, who suffered from herpes. Ms. “Me” contacted us on March 19, 2021, through email to inform us that she is interested in purchasing the HSV bundle from Hekma Center. Therefore, she placed an order on the same day.

At the end of the course, Hekma Center’s staff asked her to do blood tests in order to evaluate her condition and improvements.

Blood TEST

“A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test may also be performed to determine whether the virus itself is present in the patient’s body. A sample of one’s blood is taken and sent to the laboratory. If the virus genetic makeup (DNA) is present, a positive diagnosis is made. The virus can even be detected during the latent (Dormant) stages of the infection”. This test is the most accurate and sensitive test.

The Story of Ms. ”Me”


The Story of Ms. ”Me”

Great News!

Ms.”Me” blood test result revealed that it was negative for HSV. She made the right choice by trusting Hekma Center’s organic products.

The test that was done after completing the HSV formula, which came back negative: 

The test that was done before taking the HSV formula, which is positive: