Giving Hope Through Mr J’s Story with HSV

** Please note : We do not reveal the full name of the customer, we just keep the first two letters of the name for comparison purpose, and we hide all other details. Photos are for clarification purposes only and are not the real photos of the customers.

The customer contacted the Hekma Center staff and told them that he had been taking the herpes package for a while.

Our staff told Mr. J that it is essential to adhere to the instructions and diet included with the package to obtain the desired results.
Mr. J followed the staff’s advice.

Giving hope through Mr J’s story with HSV, continue reading to know more.

Shortly after, Mr. J contacted our staff again to tell them that he had not had herpes symptoms in a while.

Giving Hope Through Mr. J's Story with HSV

Our staff were delighted with this news and advised him to do a blood test. Nevertheless, the customer continued taking the products until he finished the package he had.

Mr. J was late to take the blood test. He did it in December. During this time he did not feel any HSV symptoms, and there were no sores lately.
Mr. J's Story with HSV
Mr. J's Story with HSV

Getting the Blood Test Results

The tests results showed that he was negative.

We congratulate Mr. J on these incredible results and wish him good health.

Mr. J's Story with HSV

Giving Hope Through Mr. J's Story with HSV

The test that was done before taking the HSV formula

The test that was done after completing the HSV formula, which came back negative: