The Story of Mr. Rod.’s from the USA with HSV-1 and HSV-2

** Please note : We do not reveal the full name of the customer, we just keep the first two letters of the name for comparison purpose, and we hide all other details. Photos are for clarification purposes only and are not the real photos of the customers.

The first test that was done after completing the HSV formula, which came back negative :

After about one and a half year, a follow up test was done by Mr. “Rod”, which came back negative again, as seen below :

Finally, my HSV is under control.

You can also say this after using the HSV formula from Hekma Center. As a matter of fact, there is a natural supplement approach. Given that hundreds around the world have tried our natural herbal supplements.

Hereunder is the story of one of our clients.

With these words, Mr. Rod. expressed his gratitude to the Hekma Center team and the supplement package we provide for people with Genital and oral Herpes:

“I would like to thank you for all your support and advise.”
“I called them and I was informed that it is negative for both.”
“Thank you very much, this is a lot more clear and indeed. I am super excited, but I will continue with the herbs to completion”
“From my heart, I appreciate your patience and wisdom with me since day 1.”

We congratulate Mr. Rod. and wish him constant health and well being.

The images hereunder show our constant contact with Mr. Rod. and the medicals reports’ results before and after using the HSV formula from Hekma Center :

The first test that was done after completing the HSV formula, which came back negative :

genital herpes

genital herpes

genital herpes

After about one and a half year, a follow up test was done by Mr. “Rod”, which came back negative again, as seen below :

The Story of Mr. Rod.

Mr. Rod. contacted us through email and expressed to us his suffering with HSV-1 and HSV-2. And he was seeking for a suitable wellness program for his condition from Hekma Center. After we studied his condition, we provided him with the necessary details about our organic supplement package and its success. Wherein hundreds of clients who tried our supplements saw impressive results.

Accordingly, Mr. Rod. purchased the first supplement package on 13 May 2020. Our team at Hekma Center provided him the necessary support during his journey. In addition to personal counseling since day one and throughout our natural wellness plan, he was guided with detailed guidelines for the diet he needed to commit during his wellness program.


Constant Contact with Mr. Rod

After finishing the first supplement package, our team was in contact with Mr. Rod. He noticed a continuous improvement during the first package, the symptoms also decreased significantly, and his psychological state was much better, but the test result was still positive, which means the virus is still present, and he needs to continue with the natural wellness package. We advised him to continue non-stop with the organic supplement package. He therefore ordered and started taking a second supplement package, he then did a test in August and sent us the results which was negative for both, Herpes Type 1 and 2.


genital herpes

The Psychological State’s Significance for Recovery

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Rod. suffered from stress and depression because of this condition. Therefore, he added additional organic products for stress and anxiety. Including Adaptogen herbs, like Ashwagandha and Lepidium Meyenii. These products help to cope with the condition and significantly improve the psychological condition.

Regarding the diet, committing to a healthy diet contributes to the success of this journey. As prohibited foods in the diet may escalate the disease or cause a relapse.

The diet and recipes we provide for Herpes were studied carefully. Taking into consideration the amount or percentage of the amino acids Arginine and Lysine in each recommended recipe.

The Supplement Package

Or supplement package for HSV-1 and HSV-2 from Hekma Center is intensive and consists of herbs that are scientifically proven effective towards the virus, God willing.